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Glasgow Reflexology, Milngavie, Glasgow
Glasgow Reflexology, Milngavie, Glasgow

Biofield Tuning

Glasgow Reflexology, Biofield Tuning, Milngavie, Glasgow

Every living thing has its own biofield, or electromagnetic field that surrounds and interpenetrates it. It's the blueprint or musical score our bodies follow for DNA production and cell renewal and our health is a direct reflection of the harmony and balance in our biofield.


Biofield Tuning focuses on our electromagnetic health, our electric health.

At the root, the “energy” in energy medicine is electric.

This healing approach addresses problems at source.

When our electric health is vibrant and our voltage is high (our energetic battery is fully charged), we feel lighter, confident, and more powerful.

Glasgow Reflexology, Biofield Tuning, Milngavie, Glasgow

Our body's are the most amazing self tuning, self healing instrument.

Biofield Tuning is a non- invasive effective way to release energetic blocks that are pulling you off centre.

Your body will relax & recalibrate itself naturally simply by using the clear, consistent frequencies of Tuning Forks as a metronome.

What is Biofield Tuning?
Biofield Tuning is a unique sound therapy that uses sound waves produced by tuning forks in the biomagnetic field, or biofield, that surrounds the human body.  Acting like a magnet, tuning forks promote energetic circulation for optimal harmony and healing. It is a simple yet powerful method for shifting the rhythms and patterns of the body’s electrical system.  The coherent input of a tuning fork gently supports the body in recognising and correcting its own vibrational imbalances.  It is simply a matter of finding the noise and resistance in the biofield and staying with it until the body auto corrects.

This process can liberate deep-rooted trauma, emotions, and subconscious programs, often resolving various mental, emotional, and health concerns such as chronic pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression, IBS, PTSD, phobias, addictions and ancestral trauma disorders.

Glasgow Reflexology, Biofield Tuning, Milngavie, Glasgow

Benefits of Biofield Tuning
Are you feeling frustrated, stuck, or stressed?
Do you suffer from physical, mental, or emotional issues, s
uch as anxiety, depression, fatigue, inflammation, pain, migraines/headaches, panic attacks, PTSD, or adrenal stress?


Many people experience more energy, less pain and inflammation, deeper relaxation, better sleep, digestion and greater well-being.

As well as the above Biofield Tuning helps with the following:

Relaxing The Nervous System

Tuning forks are designed to relax and soothe the nervous system activatiing a powerful healing response. Targeting the nervous system releases old patterns of stress and reactivity. With more energy in circulation, you experience more peace and well-being. 

Emotional Healing

Intense emotions like sadness, guilt, grief, shame, and anger can be uncomfortable. We can try to mask these emotions with distractions or addictions. Suppressed emotions drain energy and create barriers that restrict us from living to our full potential.

As Biofield Tuning Founder, Eileen McKusick explains,

“Physical pain is often the final manifestation of an emotional pattern in the magnetic field.”

Pain results from too much electric current running through. The Tuning process helps you release the backlog of emotions creating pain, stress and dis-ease in the system.

Transform Limiting Beliefs

Biofield Tuning has the power to transform limiting subconscious beliefs that hold you back. Before the age of seven, you absorb helpful and harmful subconscious programming from your environment. This programming is designed to help you fit in and function in society. Unfortunately, many of these programs are limiting, resulting in limited outcomes. These limitations filter how you view yourself, others, and life. Any blocks you experience are the result of blocks in your subconscious and biofield and when energy isn’t expressed and flowing properly, it creates patterns of distortion, which leads to breakdowns in your health and well-being.

Eileen McKusick says, “This is how we get stuck in life: Over time, patterns of beliefs and thoughts redirect our energies into tangles and whirlpools, and these vibrational patterns then turn into patterns of behavior that create patterns of results”.

Experiencing Biofield Tuning can help you release subconscious blocks preventing you from creating the health and life you deserve.

Many of our deepest wounds and emotional struggles are not our own. They come from a time before us rooted in the experiences of our ancestors

Glasgow Reflexology, Biofield Tuning, Milngavie, Glasgow

Biofield Tuning Releases Childhood, Ancestral and Soul Trauma.

We all have our emotional, physical, individual, collective and ancestral traumas. Unless we face them, and heal them through our body, we often resort to coping mechanisms such as rage, denial, addiction, numbing, depression or anxiety.

Trauma Release

People who have experienced trauma often cope by disconnecting from their bodies. The pain can seem like too much to deal with. Psychologists refer to this as dissociation, while shamans call it soul loss. 

The Biofield Tuning method is much like the concept of Shamanic Soul Retrieval.

Shamans believe that stress and trauma cause soul fragments or soul loss.

Similar to Shamanic Journeying, Biofield Tuning uses “sonic soul retrieval” to restore lost soul fragments and bring them back into circulation. This helps your body, mind, and soul return to wholeness.

Although there will always be some imprint of life experiences, Tuning helps to release the emotional charge of past events to restore power and potential in the present.

Thus allowing you to take relaxed action instead of getting triggered, reacting, and repeating old patterns.

Ancestral Trauma

We don’t just inherit eye and hair color, we also inherit “tonal tendencies” such as towards anxiety, anger, depression. In addition to releasing soul trauma, Biofield Tuning also supports the release of ancestral trauma by working with your Ancestral River, a strong current of energy flow about ten inches off the sides of your body. This area holds your inherited genetics and energetic information. (Energetics refers to the tone of the song of your DNA).

The ancestral river that flows along the left side of the body holds the patterned information, stories, and personalities from your mother and your mother’s side of the family.

The ancestral river that flows along the right side of the body holds the patterned information, stories, and personalities from your father and your father’s side of the family.

Eileen McKusick researcher and creatorof biofield tuning says, “When we work with the template of the biofield, we’re able to go beyond our own personal histories, because the standing waves that are present in the field contain not only our own life histories but also the tonal histories of our ancestors”.

Biofield Tuning allows you to change the key the tune is written in and create a new, harmonious tone that benefits you, your family, your ancestors, AND your descendants.

As you release the past, you have more energy and freedom to create what you want in the present.

Glasgow Reflexology, Biofield Tuning, Milngavie, Glasgow

Your Treatmentes of

Following a short consultation about current health issues you will then lie fully clothed on my treatment couch. Two types of tuning forks may be used  unweighted and weighted.

Weighted tuning forks are used on the body to rebalance the body’s meridian energy system allowing a deep state of relaxation. Weighted tuning forks stimulate the body’s internal electrical signal and send healing, coherent, sound waves deep throughout the body.

Unweighted tuning forks are used to slowly scan through the area around your body beginning at a distance and working towards the body. With each session, the changing tones of the tuning forks will tell us where you most need to release deep rooted emotional & physical tension. The calming frequencies of the forks will help your body re-tune itself by releasing its out-of-sync vibrational holding patterns making you feel lighter & brighter & back in full flow! If an area of dissonance is encountered the fork is held in that specific spot until the sound becomes coherent.

Once the field is more coherent, we column and balance the relevant energy centers. Generally, a minimum of three sessions is recommended to begin. Often, a presenting symptom can be cleared within three sessions.

Glasgow Reflexology, Biofield Tuning, Milngavie, Glasgow
Glasgow Reflexology, Biofield Tuning, Milngavie, Glasgow

Taking Care of Yourself After Your Treatment

After your treatment you are advised to drink lots of water and Epsom salt baths can also be helpful.

Biofield Tuning is an enjoyable experience. Most people feel relaxed, calmer, lighter, clearer, more self-aware and very present. However some people can experience detox symptoms which may cause headaches, exhaustion, waves of emotions or flu-like symptoms. These symptoms will usually pass within a day or two.

Drink plenty of water as this helps flush the system of waste and toxins released during treatment. Eat light and healthy meals so as not to overload your body and its digestive and elimination systems whilst it is processing physical and energetic changes following treatments.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine and smoking to help keep your system clear of further toxins whilst it re-balances itself. Allow yourself physical and mental rest. Listen to your body and do what you feel you need.



Bofield tuning is not advised for extremely ill individuals as it may create a strong healing response in the system. Pregnancy, cancer, palliative care, pacemakers and recent concussions (within 3 months) are contraindicated in Biofield Tuning.

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