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Glasgow Reflexology, Milngavie, Glasgow
Glasgow Reflexology, Milngavie, Glasgow

Pellowah Energy Healing

Pellowah Energy Healing Glasgow
Pellowah Energy Healing Milngavie Glasgow

 “Radical Shift in Consciousness”

Now more than ever we are being called to remember “Who We Really Are”

Pellowah is an opportunity to shift our individual consciousness and create a ripple effect in the consciousness of humanity! To awaken the truth within us!

Pellowah is pure source energy a direct transmission of the light.

Extremely high vibrational and takes place in your auric field.

Pellowah Energy Healing Glasgow

Pellowah primarily works on the mind and spirit connection (rather than the physical body). Conditions that have a psychosomatic root (i.e. mind/body) will often respond very well. Rather than balancing the “symptom”, Pellowah shifts the root cause of the issue. This means for many chronic issues Pellowah will often get results where others won’t.

Pellowah works to “Shift the Consciousness” in order to build new beliefs and pathways, resulting in better choices, behaviours, awareness and understanding. Because Pellowah works on the root cause at the level of consciousness, changes emerge from the inside out! The ”healing” benefit from Pellowah is a by-product of a “shift in consciousness”.Some say Pellowah is like a Spiritual Awakening. Others say it is a clarion call to their deepest passions and direction!

For some removing the fear, anxiety, and false illusions that have held them back, is the gift of Pellowah..

People are usually drawn to Pellowah when the timing is right for them to move forward in their lives.

Are you seeking:

Spiritual enlightenment?

Spiritual healing?

Spiritual growth?

Are you wanting to shift long held patterns and beliefs?

Are you yearning for a deeper connection to yourself and life?


Often we feel something is “just not right”, or “there must be more to life” – we can’t put our finger on what the issue is, yet we “know” something needs to shift.

We need a change within us.

Pellowah is an opportunity to create this “shift”


What is Pellowah?

The name Pellowah was given to an energy healing technique first channelled in 2003 by Australian Spiritual teacher Kachina Ma’an. The purpose of Pellowah is awakening and enlightenment. To increase your capacity for positive change by creating a “Shift in Consciousness”, enabling you to reach your highest purpose and potential. Directed by spirit through a series of dreams and visions Kachina founded the Pellowah Healing Technique and began to train others in this new energy modality in 2004.


How does Pellowah work?

Pellowah connects all 12 strands of DNA – ready for activation. It unblocks and realigns all the meridians within the body, giving a feeling of well-being and connection which allows for a Radical Shift in Consciousness. Importantly, through this we are able to make choices which take us to greater heights and levels in our life..

The healing effects of Pellowah are a wonderful by product of a “Shift in Consciousness”. You may experience new expanded perception and a more objective understanding and outlook on life.

Unlike other forms of energy healing, Pellowah does not work through the practitioner.

Pellowah is direct from source to the person receiving the healing.

A practitioner receives the attunements that enable them to initiate the Pellowah energy flow and hold the sacred healing space for the person receiving.

A Pellowah session is about the “Consciousness” of the recipient, and not the consciousness of the Practitioner.

Pellowah energy works with the higher consciousness of the recipient to bring about the “shift” required at that specific time. There is no diagnosis or interpretation by the practitioner during or after the energy channelling session.

Pellowah is simple, yet powerful and effective.

As the person receiving you may experience huge shifts immediately following a session, or the effects may be subtle, yet profound, unfolding over a period of time.

Pellowah Energy Healing Milngavie Glasgow

Benefits of Pellowah

Pellowah energy works on a deep energetic level and can help to facilitate the following:


  • Improved Clarity – In relation to our Life purpose, passions and direction.

  • Emotional Healing – we all carry emotional baggage. Inherited through our lineage, and acquired through past and current life experiences. For some this baggage can be overwhelming. Pellowah assists you to shift beyond your “baggage”. Unlike most healing methods, Pellowah does this, in most cases, without the need for a “healing crisis”. By expanding and strengthening your connection to your higher self, your past baggage becomes less present. Your emotional baggage diminishes, as positive emotional states become your new “normal”.

  • Vitality – the more energy you have, the greater your vitality. The greater your vitality the more you can accomplish. Pellowah taps directly into “Source Energy” to improve your energy levels and move you forward!


  • High Vibrational Healing – The higher the energy vibration you connect to, the more evolved your sense of wellbeing will be! You will experience a greater degree of emotional wellbeing! Pellowah is an exceptionally high vibration, and working with it enhances your positivity!

  • Aura Healing – It is understood that all illness originates in the Auric fields or some would say in the “Energy Body”. Once present in the energy body, it then manifests in the physical. Some say the root of all illness is “spiritual” – heal the spirit, and you create the environment for the physical to heal. Pellowah works directly with the auric field, as a result many issues are healed before they can manifest in the physical.

  • Clearing Meridians – Meridians are the energy channels of your physical body. By clearing the energy channels your body is able to move into “self healing” mode, and maximise the available energy for peak performance. Many recurring issues stem from “blocked energy”. Pellowah works to clear the stuck energy, improving your overall wellbeing.

  • Improved Intuition – Pellowah connects you more fully with your higher self. By integrating this connection to your higher self, Pellowah naturally improves your intuition.

  • Strengthens and Align Chakra’s – Leading to greater health and vitality with a stronger connection to source energy.

  • Connects you to 12 Strand DNA – Pellowah was channelled to Awaken Consciousness, to expand Awareness. It does this by connecting you to your inner potential. By connecting you to your 12 Strand DNA it begins to unlock latent, hidden potential.

  • Expands Awareness – Pellowah expands your awareness and improves your ability to channel a variety of energies. Your expanded awareness allows you to “see” life through different eyes, and gives you a greater capacity for enjoyment!

  • Activates the Light Within – Everything is already within you. Sometimes we just need a little assistance “activating” what resides within us. Pellowah activates the “Light Within” – the Light you are in essence.

  • Healing Chronic Conditions – Pellowah works with “Consciousness”. Many of the mental patterns that hold us back are seemingly “unconscious”. No matter how hard we dig, we can’t seem to get to the origin of them. Pellowah works at the level of origin, upgrading our unconscious patterns. Often exciting shifts take place, even with long standing issues.

Glasgow Reflexology Pellowah Energy Healing Milngavie Glasgow

Your Treatment

Pellowah is a “hands off” healing technique. It does not involve touch. You will lie down fully clothed on my treatment couch in a position that is comfortable for you, close your eyes, relax and receive the energy. There is no need to do anything to “enhance” the healing. No need to meditate or make intention. Just relax and receive.

The Practitioner is directed by the Pellowah energy to move in whatever manner is required. Often hand, arm and body movemenst are used during the session. 

Pellowah energy works directly with the client. The Practitioner will not receive information, as such you may wish to share whatever sensations, images or messages you received. The Practitioner is unable to comment on, or interpret your experience.  Practitioners are attuned in order to initiate the Pellowah energy flow and hold the sacred space for the Pellowah energy to interact with you. They are not there as Intuitives, Counsellors or Interpretors. They may ask you questions to facilitate your own inner guidance and wisdom. Pellowah is about your “Shift in Consciousness” – not an interpretation given by another!

What You May Experience During Your Treatment

You may experience a range of emotions, sensations and imagery during a session. Or you may not feel, see or experience anything other than deep relaxation. Everyone is different, and every session is different. What you consciously remember or don’t remember of the session has no impact on the power of the healing.

Pellowah works on the mental/spiritual level first and foremost so often clients will have the experience of being in a void or not remembering or feeling anything. The energy continues to work through you and whilst some clients experience immediate shifts during the session, others may experience subtle yet profound shifts in the days and weeks that follow. Pellowah is working with your consciousness, and will bring whatever shift is required at the time of the session.

Pellowah Energy Continues To Work After Your Treatment

It continues to build upon the shifts created during the session. As such you will find that whatever issues you are woking on become easier and easier to navigate as time goes on!


Your Pre and Post Pellowah Treatment

Remember you are making an investment in your Consciousness, so be mindful of anything that may compromise healing. It is recommended no alcohol or drugs (aside from those prescribed by a Health Professional) be consumed 24 hours prior to, and 24 hours after a Pellowah healing session. Hydration is essential following a session.

Pellowah Energy Healing Glasgow Reflexology Milngavie

Why do we need different healing methods?


How is Pellowah different to Reiki?

Healing modalities like Reiki and Pellowah use different energy frequencies. Reiki is more “Earthy” and connected with “physical body”. Pellowah is “Lighter and Finer” connected with Consciousness (Mind) and Spirit.


Pellowah has a different “purpose” to Reiki. Pellowah’s primary purpose is to “shift individual consciousness”.  All energy modalities work with different frequencies/vibrations to bring about their purpose. It is not that one modality is better than another – they are all here at this time to serve.

Pellowah primarily works on the mind and spirit connection (rather than the physical body). Conditions that have a psychosomatic root (i.e. mind/body) will often respond very well. Rather than balancing the “symptom”, Pellowah shifts the root cause of the issue. This means for many chronic issues Pellowah will often get results where others won’t.

Pellowah works to “Shift the Consciousness” in order to build new beliefs and pathways, resulting in better choices, behaviours, awareness and understanding. Because Pellowah works on the root cause at the level of consciousness, changes emerge from the inside out!.

Pellowah Energy Healing Milngavie Glasgow Reflexology

Pellowah is equally powerful in person or as a distant session. The advantage of a distant healing session is your ability to relax in your own environment, and not be pressured by driving or public transport stress.


Currently over 75% of Pellowah sessions are completed at a distant.

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