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Glasgow Reflexology, Milngavie, Glasgow
Glasgow Reflexology, Milngavie, Glasgow

For many couples trying to conceive can be emotionally exhausting leading to unfavourable mental and physical environments for conception. Stress, anxiety and even depression which are important factors that are often overlooked with fertility;

the impact that these emotions can have on our body..


Sub-fertility is diagnosed when a female does not fall pregnant after 12 months of trying. Infertility is diagnosed when a female does not fall pregnant after two years of trying. The rate of sub-fertility and infertility is increasing and statistics show that 1 in 6 couples suffer difficulties conceiving. Figures vary, but as many as 40% of causes of infertility is what is termed unexplained infertility, that is infertility where both partners are apparently normal according to all tests. It can be hard to accept that the answer may be in your own hands.

Reflexology is a deeply relaxing natural and nurturing experience, working in a subtle way on a physical and emotional level and is especially beneficial for those experiencing fertility issues when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle it is a non intrusive way to help prepare your mind and body for pregnancy.

 As well as relaxation, it boosts blood circulation, helps to balance hormone levels and regulate the menstrual cycle. Reflexology can also help clients undergoing fertility treatment (IVF, IUI, ICSI and clients on medicated cycles). The increased blood circulation seems to enhance the effects of medical fertility treatment.

The Data

Association of Reproductive Reflexologists undertook a data collection study of 180 cases and found that the success rate was proven to be 68% of all cases, whether the couples were undertaking IVF or natural conception.

The date was then broken down into individual conditions. Results are as follows:


  The Statistics

  • 180 Cases

  • 68% Success Rate

  • 100 - Nataural Coception

  • 22 - Assisted Conception

  • Age Range - 24-46

  • Average number of reflexology treatments undertake - 11.32


  Specific Conditions

  • Undiagnosed Infertility: Pregnancy - 70%

  • Endometriosis: Pregnancy - 65%

  • Plycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Pregnancy - 72%

  • Amenorrhoea: Pregnancy - 91%

  • Sperm Motility Issues: Pregnancy - 100% 

  • Sperm Morphology: Pregnancy - 50%

  • Ovarian Cysts: Pregnancy - 100%

  • Progesterone deficiency: - 50%

Recommended Treatment Plan for Natural Conception

  • 6 x weekly sessions initially changing to

  • 2 x per month, one prior to ovulation, one after ovulation until implantation


Benefits of Reflexology for Infertility

  • Regulates your menstrual cycle

  • Stimulates ovulation

  • Balance hormones

  • Offers holistic support throughout fertility treatments

  • Assists with painful periods

  • Relieves symptoms of endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome

  • Lessens the worry and the stress of infertility

  • Creates an ideal environment for conception to occur

  • Holistically support you if you are going through IVF or Donor Insemination

Maternity Reflexology Milngavie Glasgow

Recommended Treatment Plan for Assisted Conception

For assisted conception such as IUI, IVF, ICSI, the reflexology is tailored individually to complement the drug protocol. It can enhance the efficiency of the drugs, reduce side effects and reduce any stress and emotional unease that you may experience.

  • 6x weekly sessions initially

  • 1x session during artificial hormone stimulation

  • 1x session in the week leading up to egg retrieval

  • 1x session just after egg retrieval

  • 1x session prior to an embryo transfer


  • Relaxation

  • Specific fertility reflexology routines help to stimulate your ovaries pre-egg collection. Which can help provide a much higher quantity of better developed eggs

  • Give your baby the best possible home for 9 months

  • Help your body grow a thick linking to your womb. This helps your egg implant securely after it has been reintroduced to your womb

Diet and Lifestyle

Reflexology is a particularly successful fertility boosting therapy when used in conjunction with a healthy diet and lifestyle.



Sleep is vital to our health and well-being, if sleep is poor, interrupted, or erratic the body can’t undertake the important repair work that keeps it functioning at its best.

Poor sleep impacts all the body’s systems including its ability to produce healthy sperm in men and thriving eggs and a fully functioning menstrual cycle in woman.

In addition, poor sleep patterns promote weight gain which in turn upsets the balance of our reproductive hormones. Fat cells produce their own oestrogen leading to excess oestrogen in the body, upsetting the menstrual cycle in woman and interfering with sperm production in men.

Woman who are involved in shift work may be at an increased risk of irregular menstrual cycles, endometriosis, infertility, miscarriage, low birth weight babies or pre-term delivery.



Water should be increased in the second half of cycle – post ovulation. For implantation to take place the endometrium requires good blood flow – and blood flow is hampered if we are dehydrated.

Small amounts of water hourly is recommended to ensure constant hydration from ovulation until bleed.



Woman - BMI 30 or over may take longer to conceive
Woman - BMI 19 or less may also have less chance to conceive
Men – BMI normal range between 19 an 3


Diet and Lifestyle

To optimise fertility and reduce chances of miscarriage, diet needs to include the best nutrition. For eg non-organic meat has the potential to damage egg health and quality as well as the quality of the sperm. Farm fed fish is often fed antibiotics try to eat wild rather than farmed.

Whole grain nuts and seeds are rich in fibre and healthy fats, zinc and selenium all of which improve sperm production, motility and morphology. pumpkin seeds, sunflowers seeds, pecans, brazil nuts, walnuts and hazelnuts.


Caffeine is linked to lengthening the amount of time it takes to conceive as well as having negative side effects on pregnancy and can increase the likelihood of miscarriage and chromosomal abnormalities.
caffeine affects sperm motility and in extreme cases can cause sperm immobilisation.  Highly addictive it is present in tea, chocolate and fizzy drinks. Recommendations is to try and give up gradually over a period of weeks to avoid withdrawal symptoms such as headaches.



Can have a devastating impact on sperm morphology and mortality and general health and well-being. Alcohol also has a pre-conception impact upon the quality of eggs. The current guidelines from the royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists on drinking alcohol during preconception period and early pregnancy that no alcohol should be consumed for woman trying to conceive and in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.


Improve and balance your health with a good quality multivitamin and mineral, essential fatty acids (EPA Fish Oil or Flaxseed oil), folic acid (5MTFH is natural activated folate, spinach and kale are rich in folates! if you want to avoid the chemicals of some folic acid supplements) and a good quality preconception supplement. We don’t always get enough nutrients from our foods and may need a boost. Dr Marilyn Glenville outlines suggestions and dosage levels in her “Getting Pregnant Faster” book. Coenzyme Q10 is particularly useful for bolstering sperm and energy levels.

Useful blood tests include Vitamin D levels, Vitamin B12 levels, folate and feritin levels, thyroid function, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) levels and LH (luteinising hormone) levels.


Supplements for Men

St John’s Wort, Echinacea, and Ginkgo Biloba -Can affect sperm quality and the sperm’s ability to penetrate the egg.



Moderate amounts of exercise such as brisk walking for 20 minutes 3 times a week, yoga, swimming re important for maintaining health. Too much exercise however can negatively impact fertility. In particular, because it builds muscle and reduces body fat it can lower oestrogen.



Stress is a complex condition which affects almost all parts of the body in some way: Cortisol; a hormone released in response to stress, can cause the release of an inhibiting hormone that reduces the production of Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone. Both these hormones are integral to the release of the egg and the implantation of embryo after fertilisation. Stress can be detrimental to the chances of a successful pregnancy as stress of modern life can be long-lasting and shut down our reproductive system for a long time. Stress is an issue for both sexes, so it is equally important that both partners undertake some method of reducing their stress levels.  ​


Additional Advice

Strong healthy sperm can survive for at least 3 days and sometimes up to 7 days in good fertile cervical mucous.


Maternity Reflexology Milngavie Glasgow
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